Dealing With The Stronghold Of Rejection


1 Samuel 16:6-7, Psalm 27:10, Isaiah 49:15 1. Foundational rejections release me by fire in the name of Jesus.
2. Every word of rejection spoken against me when I was in my mother’s womb release and die in the name of Jesus.
3. Evil effects of any word of rejection and are still manifesting in my life release me and die in the name of Jesus.
4. Every collecting rejection that has caged my life my destiny break release me and die in the name of Jesus.
5. Every yoke of collective captivity, break and die in the name of Jesus.
6. You the yoke of collective rejection and failure in my life break and die in the name of Jesus.
7. Every good thing I have lost in life, I recover you seven fold now in the name of Jesus.
8. Every parental rejection that has put me in continuous sorrow break and die in the name of Jesus.
9. Every curse issued by my parents in addition to rejection break, release me and die in the name of Jesus.
10. I recover by fire every good thing I have lost in life in the name of Jesus.
11. Every problem that entered my life through person who took care of me when I was a baby release me and die in the name of Jesus.
12. Every negative word issued against me by my step mother, grand mother and others break and die in the name of Jesus.
13. Every negative word issued against me my family break release and die in the name of Jesus.
14. Every fragmented parts of my life as a result of the places I have lived, I recover you seven fold now in the name of Jesus.
15. All the virtues I have as result of the hands that took care of me, I recover you seven fold in the name of Jesus.
16. O Lord, remove the heart of stone from me and give me the heart of flesh in the name of Jesus. Ezek 36:26
17. Evil habits in my life as a result from the way I was brought up, die in the name of Jesus.
18. Rejection personality that has been living in my life, out and die in the name of Jesus.
19. Every mark of rejection in my life be wiped off by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
20. Every selective rejection working against me break by fire in the name of Jesus.
21.Give thanks to God and fire songs