The following are the goals and aims of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, as handed to the General Overseer.
- To propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world.
- To promote the revival of Apostolic signs, wonders, and miracles.
- To bring together children of God who are lost in dead churches.
- To train believers in the art and science of spiritual warfare; thus making them an aggressive and victorious army for the Lord.
- To train believers to receive Holy Ghost baptism and fire as well as a daily walk and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
- To turn the joy of our enemies to sorrow. That is why we will always have a deliverance ministry wherever we are. If you do not believe in deliverance, you are not supposed to be in MFM.
- To build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord. MFM is an end-time church where we build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord. WHAT IS AN END-TIME CHURCH?
- An end-time church: is a church where a sinner enters with two options. He either repents or does not come back, contrary to the present-day Church where sinners are comfortable and find things so easy and convenient.
- To deliver those who have become slaves to Pastors, Prophets, and Apostles.
- To build up heavenly-bound and aggressive Christians. The priority in MFM is for people to make heaven. It is not a worldly Church.
- To build up prayer eagles.
- To purify the Pentecostal dirtiness of this age.